Finger Yoga
Finger Yoga


"Mudra" is the traditional term for yoga poses involving the hands.

Mudras have a range of traditional uses - from meditation aids to symbolic gestures; from healing poses to dance moves; from invocations to prayers.

However relatively few of them correspond closely to the asanas of hatha yoga.

Much of the literature associated with healing and therapy using mudras deals with effects of mudras on distant parts of the body - in a manner rather reminiscent of reflexology. It seems unlikely that much of this material is very well founded.

While the yoga asanas map fairly closely to effective stretching and strengthing exercises, mudras covered by the existing literature do not appear to cover this ground very effectively.

Jnana mudra

One of the better-known meditative mudras.

Surabhi mudra
Surabhi mudra

Kalesvara mudra
Kalesvara mudra

Kalesvara mudra (inverted)
Kalesvara mudra (inverted)

Move your middle fingers downwards - and try to keep their tips together.

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