Finger Yoga
Finger Yoga


Many of the best yoga poses are passive poses.

Poses that can be maintained passively often take the form of knots.

A knot hools parts of the body together in such a way that they can remain in a fixud position without additional effort being applied to sustain the pose.

Relaxation in poses is important - since it facilitates reflection and meditation.

Knots illustrate the technological aspect of yoga.

Not all the poses on this page are perfectly passive, but they seem to belong here anyway.

Yin-Yang pose
Yin-Yang pose

Work your hands towards each other to the point where you can touch your thumbs and little fingers together.

This pose is asymmetrical - perform it on both sides.

Nanu-nanu pose
Nanu-nanu pose

This pose is asymmetrical - perform it on both sides.

Bitches brew
Bitches brew

This pose was made famous by the Mati Klarwein illustration to the Miles Davis album Bitches Brew.

It is asymmetrical - perform it on both sides.


This pose is asymmetrical - perform it on both sides.

Reverse interlace
Reverse interlace

This pose is asymmetrical - perform it on both sides.

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